Thursday, July 03, 2008

US Army set to hire internet spies

US Army set to hire internet spies
"The contractor will conduct internet awareness services ... to identify and assess stated and implied threat, antipathy, unrest and other contextual data," said the tender document, which was released by the US Army's German office.

Those applying for the contract must include in their staff a principle cyber investigator, a specialised threat analyst, a 'foreign-speaking' analyst with cyber investigative skills and a 24/7 watch team.

Cyber investigative skills means ability to use Google, I assume.
The UK's armed forces are also upping their surveillance of the internet.


The Royal Air Force is at present facing a critical shortfall of intelligence officers and intelligence analysts: both positions are currently advertised as "urgently needed". An intelligence analyst earns an annual salary of just [GBP] 16,200 and needs just a handful of GCSEs.

Big salaries and high qualification standards like this is the way to attract the best and the brightest.

To give these guys something to do, from now on I'm going to conclude every blog post with the output from a run of emacs M-x spook: S Key embassy 64 Vauxhall Cross MILSATCOM Ermes unclassified Verisign secure Ft. Meade blackjack Marxist Defcon underground Clinton Maple


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