Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I think my banana is trying to sell me something

I bought some bananas at the grocery store on Monday, in the morning. That afternoon, I selected one of the bananas from the bunch, detached it, and proceeded to peel it. While peeling the banana, I noticed that the round sticker on its peel said simply "Curious George" in the familiar red script.

I spent the next 45 minutes in a daze, my head spinning with the implications raised by the small and deceptively harmless sticker on my half-eaten banana (I often lose my appetite when I go into a daze). Now, there is a Curious George movie coming out this year (Curious George IMDB page, and the always lovely Official Movie Site). We live in a world where the marketing infrastructure exists such that there is a sticker, on my banana, promoting a movie about a monkey.

I tried to find more details about this banana sticker promotion, but all I could find were two "articles" (really, each just regurgitates the same press release) about a Curious George themed Retailtainment event:, whose health advice is to eat foods of 5 different colours per day, and Progressive Grocer.

By the way, Retailtainment is real, people. It's not a joke. From "We have a ... team of energetic, outgoing, retailtainment certified professionals ... Create a fun and exciting WOW shopping experience." They should consider diversifying into Advergaming.